High-Power Microwave Engineering & Manufacturing
Symphony Microwave Technologies is a design and manufacturing group specializing in high-power components and systems for industrial, medical, military, scientific and commercial applications.
Our decades of experience in proven microwave solutions is our legacy. We started Symphony because our passion is to collaborate with customers to develop the next generation of high-power solutions.
Symphony Microwave Technologies, LLC.
1 Chestnut Street Suite 3-H
Nashua NH, 03060
+1 603 417 3940
Inside the Music
Take a look inside Symphony Microwave Technologies.

Our vision for Symphony was to create an agile and customer-centric company.
Products & Services
High-Power Products
Circulators & Isolators
Directional Couplers
Integrated Assemblies
Our Services
Microwave Industrial Processing System
Design & Verification
Microwave, RF and Thermal Simulations
Feasibility Studies
Contract Manufacturing

“Catch you on the flip side.”
We’d love to hear from you. Feel free to drop us a line.